Opportunities for the World to work at Farmship

Inviting WWOOFers (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) onto our farm is a win-win for everyone.
From the WWOOF CANADA website:
WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms, Canada (WWOOF™ Canada) is part of a worldwide movement linking visitors with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange thereby helping to build a sustainable global community.
The Aims of WWOOF
MEET SAM! He’s from Belgium!
We are lucky to have Sam with us, he has been with us for a few weeks now. Sam is not only a hard worker, but really seems to love the experience here. WWOOFing is a choice made by both of us, the farmer and the farm-hand, to be of service to the land and thrive together. We feel very privileged to have young adults come to our land and be of service. We take pride in welcoming these helpers, as they are an incredible resource that helps with this labour of love.
Take a look at this short interview with Sam on the land to hear what he thinks of Farmship Grower’s Co-operative.
How to become a WWOOFer:
Finally, here is a helpful video from an experienced WWOOFer to help beginners learn about how to set up what it takes to travel abroad and work on an organic farm.